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Nomination Form for AIPG National Advisory Board Representative

Submit this form by July 31, 2024 - Nominations are also welcome at the meeting but the candidate must be assigned by the AIPG Section President as the Sections 2025 Delegate for the AIPG 2025 Advisory Board Meeting.

Each AIPG Section nominates a single candidate for the AIPG National Advisory Board. The candidate must be assigned by the AIPG Section President as the Sections 2025 Delegate for the AIPG 2025 Advisory Board Meeting. Four AIPG National Advisory Board Representatives will be elected from the AIPG Sections to serve as AIPG National Advisory Board Representatives on the AIPG National Executive Committee. Please consider very carefully the willingness and ability of the nominee to serve, since a commitment of time is required.  AIPG National Advisory Board Representatives, when elected, must be a Member of an AIPG Section other than those of which incoming or continuing Institute officers are Members.  [This latter requirement precludes the following Sections from having an AIPG National Advisory Board Representative on the AIPG 2025 National Executive Committee: Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee.]