Section Co-Hosting National Conference/Seminar Policy
Conference PolicyAIPG Bylaws (ARTICLE 3) stipulates that an annual meeting will be held to conduct the business of the Institute. The planning,
organization, and conduct of the meeting shall focus on the business of the Institute, field trips, technical presentations, and social events. The Annual Meeting will be
under the organizational and financial authority of AIPG headquarters. The AIPG Annual Meeting is also intended to be a venue for attracting non-AIPG colleagues to
collaborate in seminars and field trips, for an opportunity to create income for AIPG and to increase visibility of AIPG on the section and national levels. AIPG's Annual
Meeting must place a high priority on providing the time and space for the Executive Committee and Advisory Boards to perform their duties and for a continuing education program
of interest and value to all. Significant efforts must be made to encourage student participation in the Annual Meeting Program. The objectives of the Institute’s
Annual Meetings are to:
- Conduct the official Annual Business Meeting of the Membership.
- Generate revenue to support the AIPG mission.
- Provide an opportunity to reach out to non-members, especially colleagues in sister societies, universities, industry, and government.
- Provide a forum for the incoming/outgoing Advisory Boards, Standing Committees, Task Forces, and Ad hoc Committees, etc., and to advise
and aid the Executive Committee in its decisions.
- Provide programs for continuing education by means of speakers, workshops, symposia, and courses.
- Provide for the opportunity to recognize members for their services to the Institute and/or profession.
- Provide a forum for members to interact and exchange ideas.
- Provide opportunities for field trips, technical presentations, and social events for all attendees.
- Present National Awards.
AIPG National Headquarters:
- Has exclusive authority for all financial decisions and commitments including all contracts and assumes all financial risk.
- Will set the actual dates and venue for the Annual Meeting, but in consultation with the host section.
- Will negotiate all hotel contracts.
- Will provide programs and meeting registration packets.
- Will manage all aspects of registration including all financial transactions.
- Will organize and conduct a formal marketing program to procure financial sponsorships for each event and for the overall meeting.
- Will create a conference tab with information on the website including online registration.
- Will develop advertising, sponsorship forms, exhibitor forms, and registration forms for the meeting.
- Will send out a call for abstracts and maintain abstract submittals. Notify authors of technical review committees accept/reject decisions.
- Will organize the program within the hotel.
- Will develop all meeting lists and badges.
- Will arrange for all transportation as it relates to field trips and social events including negotiating contracts and paying deposits.
- Will manage on-site registration including the distribution of badges, registration packets, and processing of on-site payments.
- Will organize all AIPG business meetings and awards ceremonies.
- Will have final authority on all decisions.
The Host Section will:
- Create a list of possible field trips and field trip leaders for showcasing the geology in their area.
- Create a list of possible guest field trips and field trip leaders.
- Suggest possible social events.
- Work with National AIPG on creating a theme for the meeting including technical session topics for the Call for Abstracts.
- Assist in identifying volunteers to serve on the Technical Session Committee which includes reviewing submitted abstracts, scheduling,
and the program.
- Work with National on creating short courses and volunteers to instruct the short courses (AIPG can issue CEU’s).
- Have the Section President serve on the national steering committee or have the Section President appoint a section member to serve on
the committee. This person will have the authority to make commitments on behalf of the host section and to implement steering committee
decisions on the section level. In addition to this person, identify 5-7 volunteers to assist national with various small tasks.
- Promote the meeting on the section level and to the geologic community at large.
- Assist National in identifying and procuring sponsors and exhibitors.
- Work with AIPG National to identify a state level/regional level listing of societies or associations whose members will be invited
to participate.
- Work cooperatively with AIPG National and take no actions independent of National.
Profit Sharing: AIPG National and the Section will share profits based on sponsorships and exhibitors and the profit generated by registration and field trip attendance.
- No profits are shared until the net income from the meeting reaches $13,000 (this is combined profit from sponsorships, exhibitors, registrations,
- If sponsorship and exhibitor income reach $13,000, the section receives 50% of all income above $13,000.
- The section receives a percentage of the net income of the meeting LESS THE SECTION SHARE OF SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITOR INCOME and $13,000.
- If a specific sponsorship will pay for an event, that sponsorship will not be included in profit sharing (i.e. transportation).
- If multiple sections host the national conference, they will be considered one section to calculate shared revenue.
If profit is less than $30,000 (but over $13,000 total), the section receives 10%
If profit is between 30,001 and 35,000, the section receives 15% of the total profit
If profit is between 35,001 and 40,000, the section receives 20% of the total profit
If profit is between 40,001 and 45,000, the section receives 25% of the total profit
If profit is greater than 45,000, the section receives 35% of the total profit.