AIPG Standing National Committees
Ronald J. Wallace, CPG-08153, Chr.
(770) 630-6020
Dave T. Heidlauf, CPG-09365, Chr.
(312) 288l-3823
TPG Professional Ethics and Practices Article
David M. Abbott, Jr., CPG
(303) 394-0321
Executive Director Review - National President
Sara K. Pearson, CPG-10650
(651) 757-2697
Honors and Awards - National Vice President
(573) 689-2251
Intersociety/International Affairs - Executive Director
Aaron W. Johnson, PhD, Chr.
(303) 412-6205
National Affairs - National President-Elect
(616) 890-9905
National Screening
Barbara (Barb) H. Murphy, CPG, Chr.
West: National Screening Committee
West Chairman - Barbara (Barb) H. Murphy, CPG
Vance Atkins, CPG
Randall Ferguson, CPG
Chris Hogan, CPG
William (Bill) Hoyt, CPG
James (Jim) Jehn, CPG
Steve Maslansky, CPG
Gwyn Rhys-Evans, CPG
Mark W. Rogers, CPG
James (Jim) D. Shotwell, CPG
Mark B. Sweatman, CPG
Nancy J. Wolverson, CPG
East: National Screening Committee
East Chairman - David (Dave) I. Wiegand, CPG
Peg Chandler, CPG
Frank Getchell, CPG
Tom Herbert, CPG
Ron Horan, CPG
Mark Howell, CPG
Syed Jaffery, CPG
Dennis McGrath, CPG
Molly Michaelson, CPG
Mau Piel, CPG
Kevin Ringwelski, CPG
Nicholas (Nick) Valkenburg, CPG
Kenneth (Ken) P. Wenz, CPG
John Westerfield, CPG
Margaret (Meg) M. Winfield, CPG
David T. Williams, CPG
John Yellich, CPG
Nominating - Immediate National Past-President
Standing Committees
Standing Committees shall include Bylaws, Ethics, Executive Director, Finance, Intersociety Liaison, Honors and Awards, Nominating, and National Screening. Members of the Screening Committees and the chairpersons of other committees must be Certified Professional Geologists. Standing Committees provide a continuing study of problems, perform work required by the Executive Committee, and inform and advise the Executive Committee of developments in their subject areas. The Chair of each standing committee shall report to the Executive Committee at the annual meeting or at any time designated by the Executive Committee.
Bylaws: composed of the current Secretary and one or more interested members. Its duties are to keep track of all changes in the Bylaws and to determine whether proposed changes to the Bylaws conflict with other parts of the Bylaws.
Education-Academic: composed of Certified Professional Geologists; the Chair is appointed by the President. Reviews AIPG National and Foundation scholarships, student chapter of the year award, and applications for CEU's.
Ethics: composed of a Chair who is appointed by the President, and other members as needed. The Ethics Committee Chair administers AIPG’s Disciplinary Procedures. The Ethics Committee recommends appropriate changes to the AIPG Code of Ethics and AIPG’s Disciplinary Procedures to the Executive Committee as needed.
Executive Director Review: composed of the President, President-Elect, Past President, and Treasurer and reviews the performance of the Executive Director on an as-needed basis but at least once a year.
Finance: composed of the President, Treasurer, Executive Director and additional members as necessary. Reviews AIPG financial resources and investments and makes decisions regarding the management of the Institute’s financial resources.
Intersociety Liaison: composed of the Executive Director and other members as needed. Coordinates with and attends select meetings of other geoscience societies.
Honors and Awards: composed of the Vice President and five members appointed by the President and reviews the applications for AIPG’s national awards received each year and recommends award recipients to the Executive Committee at the winter Executive Committee meeting.
Membership Committee: composed of the President, President-Elect, and Past President.
Nominating: composed of the immediate Past President and others appointed by the President. The Nominating Committee, prior to the first meeting of the Executive Committee after January 1 of each year, shall submit to the Executive Committee names of candidates who are qualified for each office to be filled in the ensuing year. The Nominating Committee shall determine which of the primary candidates are willing to serve. In the event that one or more is not, the alternates shall be interviewed in their designated order until the slate is filled. The slate shall then be reported to the Executive Committee (see Bylaws Section 5.2.1).
National Screening: composed of Certified Professional Geologists; the Chair is appointed by the President. The National Screening Committee reviews all applications for AIPG Certification and oversees and reviews the work of the Section Screening Committees. When problem applications are identified, these applications are brought to the National Executive Committee by the National Screening Committee Chair for final action.
Ad Hoc Committees
Position Statement Committee: composed of Keri Nutter and Nancy Wolverson.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee: composed of Shanna Schmitt and Marian Kramer.
All committees should review the Executive Committee Handbook and suggest edits for their committees; both standing and ad hoc.