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Mentoring Program

AIPG Mentoring Program


AIPG believes mentoring is integral to encouraging geoscientists throughout their careers. This can include discussions on many different topics, including but not limited to:

  • specific geoscience topics or questions
  • education and experience required for specific career tracks
  • any geoscience topic of interest
  • geoscience employment search
  • selecting the best suited geoscience career track
  • work abroad experiences in geosciences

AIPG is setting up this mentor site to encourage one-on-one AIPG-member discussions. We encourage the mentor and mentee to include others in their discussions and research as needed. A mentor may or may not have applicable experience or knowledge related to a mentee’s area of interest, but the mentor will help find information and/or an alternate mentor.


AIPG has members across all geoscience specialties who are willing to share their geoscience experiences, expertise and career choices and paths.

Any member looking for a Mentor is encouraged to contact a listed mentor by email to arrange a call, meeting, or virtual meeting. Talking with a professional that has “been there, done that” can be immensely beneficial. Furthermore, the networking will undoubtedly benefit both the mentee and mentor.

Search the list to find the geoscientist that works in your field of interest. Click on their name to see information about their geoscience expertise, experience, and interests. You will also find a link to their email. Go Explore! Find a mentor!

AIPG hopes that this new mentoring program will be beneficial. If you have questions or comments please contact the AIPG National Office at or call 303-412-6205. All members are expected to adhere to the AIPG’s Code of Ethics while using the Mentoring Program. AIPG Members (CPGs and Professional Members) interested in becoming a Mentor can submit the online Mentor form.

Getting Started

Set goals - What do you hope to achieve in a mentorship?

  • Examples of Goals include the following:
  • Career Development/Advancement, Technical Development, Writing Development, Communication Skills, Project Management, Conflict Resolution, Graduate School Application Process, Leadership Development, Job Application Process

Find a mentor that aligns with your goals

  • Search from the list to find a geoscientist that works in your field of interest
  • Click their name to see their geoscience expertise, career history, interests, and more.
  • Call or email to ask if they have time to help with your overall goals

Schedule an initial meeting with your mentor

  • Set up phone call, Zoom/Teams/Skype meeting, or in-person meeting
  • Recount past mentor’s experiences to see what mentoring experiences work best
  • Work with mentor to agree on goals and expectations
  • Agree on confidentiality in the mentorship
  • Establish meeting times and who schedules the meetings (3 months is recommended time, but the mentorship can also range from one session to more than 3 months).